New Vector Animation Folder

Content ID:1939719

  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I got tired of making a new animation folder, then a new vector layer, and then specifying cel 1, so I made an action for it!

New cels created with "new cel" button will automatically be a vector layer if the last thing you made was a vector.

This action automatically creates a new animation folder and sequences cel 1 as a vector layer. Turns 5 repetitive button presses into 1 action.

  1. Add to auto actions palette as normal.
  2. Create a new timeline
  3. Run the action when you need a new animation folder and want it to use vector layers. 

The actions are created like this:

Content ID:1939719

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

GrimVestige's profile Go to profile

I'm Grim! I'm a freelance artist who draws a lot of original characters and creates the webcomic Pursuer of Truth! Please feel free to ask me about my art, I'm always happy to help others improve!