EmuCat Misc Gradients

Content ID:1935846

  • Free
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Iridescent - A shiny map
Pastel Rainbow - A pastel version of the  rainbow
Oilspill 1,2,3 - Picked from oil spills
Rucksack Gold - Holographic
Overlord - A snazzy colour scheme
Underling - A snazzy colour scheme
Steel Heat Tint - The colour of heat treated steel

Content ID:1935846

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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Hiya! I make art sometimes. I like making poses for people to use- please DM me if you have a request! I usually put them up for free unless they take a long time to make- thank you for your gifts! <3