3D Air Intake Atari (Hair Intakes guideline) (3Dエアインテークのアタリ(Hair Intakes guideline )) 3Dエアインテークのアタリ(Hair Intakes guideline )

Content ID:1931497

  • 467
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a 3D model for Atari to use when drawing a character's hairstyle. キャラクターの髪型を描くときアタリに使うための3Dモデルです

Is it not difficult to draw three-dimensional hairstyle with frankly air intakes??????

I'm not good at drawing that hairstyle three-dimensional.
But there are many characters with air intakes.

For us such us, I made a 3D model to become Atari for drawing!!

I tried to use it in person, but it is convenient as it was good got make it sooner!

It is the size that was in the drawing doll of the CLIP STUDIO.
The size of the air intake is prepared by three different sizes.

※ Because there is no drawing doll in this model, please put it separately with standard material of the CLIP STUDIO

You can switch the size from the menu.

Both intakes can be moved to different angles.

You can also switch the size of both intakes to the left and right asymmetrical hairstyle

Let's Enjoy Drawing!!!!!

It is an original character air intake drawn by improvisation for the material explanation

And you'd better not look behind the 3D model.




実際に自分で使ってみましたが もっと早く作っときゃ良かったと思うくらい便利です!






Let's Enjoy Drawing!!!!!

素材解説のために即興で描いたオリジナルキャラクター エアインテークちゃんです


Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • Air intake エアインテーク中
  • Air Intake Large エアインテーク大
  • Air Intake Small エアインテーク小

Update history

Because the thumbnail of the air intake small was wrong, I corrected it. エアインテーク小 のサムネイルが間違っていたので修正しました

Old version

Content ID:1931497

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

葉葉波@hahaha3/3D服素材作成中's profile Go to profile

自分が漫画描いてて「これあったら便利だよな…」って思ったモデルを作ってます。そこそこハイペースに服とか衣装を中心にアップしていこうと思うので気軽にフォローしてください。 【3Dモデル仕事履歴】 コミカライズ版「ブレイブウィッチーズPrequel」の背景用3Dモデル コミカライズ版「アサルトリリィ」の武器や乗り物の3Dモデル 3Dモデルの問い合わせは気軽にDMください

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