SHORTBOOTS4 Short Boots 4 (shortboots4 ショートブーツ4) shortboots4 ショートブーツ4

Content ID:1931474

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Short Boots 4
Brogues 4
짧은 부츠 4
短靴 4
짧은 부츠 4

It is a short boots that the image of hen apart for Japanese Army infantry.
Short boots inspired by en army infantry shoes.
Brogues Spirit of Japan Army troops footwear.
일본 육군 보병용의 편상 신발을 이미지 í 쇼트 부츠입니다.

You can change the color from tool property to layout. In addition to the main color, black and brown are prepared.
You can change the color from "Tool Property"-> "Layout". In addition to the main colors, we have prepared black and brown.
You are allowed to "顏"-> "Announcements" The color of the renewal. We have prepared a black and brown color for the main color.
"도구 속성" → "레이아웃" 에서 색상을 변경할 수 있습니다. 메인 색상 외에도 검정과 갈색을 준비했습니다.

You can hide the left and right from the tool property. \
You can hide the left and right from the "Tool Properties".
You are allowed to "tool property" right and left.
도구 속성에서 좌우를 숨길 수 있습니다.

Short boots inspired by Japanese army infantry shoes.
일본 육군 보병용의 편상 신발을 이미지 한 쇼트 부츠입니다.

You can change the color from "Tool Property"-> "Layout". In addition to the main colors, we have prepared black and brown.
您可以從“工具屬性”->“佈局”更改顏色。 除了主色調,我們還準備了黑色和棕色。
"도구 속성"→ "레이아웃"에서 색상을 변경할 수 있습니다. 메인 색상 외에도 검정과 갈색을 준비했습니다.

You can hide the left and right from "Tool Properties".
도구 속성에서 좌우를 숨길 수 있습니다.

Material マテリアル

  • main main
  • black black
  • brown brown

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

Sales Start: 220702 販売開始:220702

Content ID:1931474

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 9 months ago

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伍長Pです。3DモデルのリクエストあればXにDMどうぞ。 頒布中の3Dモデルはクリスタでの使用しやすさを第一として、なるべく軽く製作しています。 I`m Gotyou-P. If you have a request, please DM to X. The 3D models being distributed are made to be as light as possible, with ease of use on CLIP STUDIO as the top priority.