Height Comparison chart (200cm, 250cm) (身長比較表(200cm、250cm)) 身長比較表(200cm、250cm)

Content ID:1929435

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Height comparison table is a set of two (200cm, 250cm). 身長比較表2種(200cm、250cm)のセットです。

When I draw the line of the standard to the height comparison and am drawing it,
(What is this line of CM...) And I'm not so sure
I wanted a simple table to understand at a glance and made it.

The black line is 50cm, the gray line is 10cm, and the gray line is 5cm increments.
Horizontal seamless, because there is a tick at a certain interval
"This... How many cm is this line? I'm not going to find the numbers!

The height comparison of the characters and multiple people,
When you want to draw a group picture
Please help.

■ Use Example (200cm version)





Height Comparison Chart 身長比較表

Content ID:1929435

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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