Interior of the Western Room 8-2 additional files (洋館室内8-2追加ファイル) 洋館室内8-2追加ファイル

Content ID:1920232

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This material cannot be used alone * * *

An additional file for color specification and placement change of the Western-European room 8-2 of another material.
Unzip the DL file twice, and use the LWS file by moving it into the same folder as the object folder that was able to unpack the Western-European interior 8-2.
The texture is applied by entering the color/gray together [_ Color Common] [_ Gray Common] folder and the PNG file total of 86 in the individual color folder in the Object folder.
※ In the case of using only one because it contains all of the Western-building room 8-1, 8-2 in the 86 files are included also unnecessary things.


Content ID:1920232

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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