M17 自動拳銃 M17 automaticpistol (M17 自動拳銃 M17 automaticpistol) M17 自動拳銃 M17 automaticpistol

Content ID:1917325

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M17 M17

Slide, trigger, safety device is movable. Please move from ' tool property ' to ' layout '.
Slides, triggers and safety devices are movable. Please move from "Tool Property"-> "Layout".
The sliding mass, the shock generator and the safety device are movable. Go to "tooling"-> "Announcements Stations".
슬라이드, 트리거, 안전 장치가 움직입니다. "도구 속성" → "레이아웃" 에서 이동하십시오.

The color is coyote brown, but dark coyote brown and black is prepared for it. Please change it from tool property.
The color is coyote Brown, but I prepared dark coyote brown and black. Please change from "Tool Properties".
顏 color is a clay wolf brown color, but I prepare deep wolf brown color. Please replace "tooling".

색상은 코요테 브라운입니다만, 짙은 코요테 브라운, 거기에 흑색을 준비했습니다. "도구 속성" 에서 변경하십시오.

Slides, triggers and safety devices are movable. Please move from "Tool Property"-> "Layout".
滑塊、觸發器和安全裝置是可移動的。 請從“工具屬性”->“佈局”移動。
슬라이드, 트리거, 안전 장치가 움직입니다. "도구 속성"→ "레이아웃"에서 이동하십시오.

The color is coyote brown, but I prepared dark coyote brown and black. Please change from "Tool Properties".
顏色是土狼棕色,但我準備了深土狼棕色和黑色。 請從“工具屬性”更改。

색상은 코요테 브라운입니다만, 짙은 코요테 브라운, 거기에 흑색을 준비했습니다. "도구 속성"에서 변경하십시오.

Material マテリアル

  • koyote1 koyote1
  • koyote2 koyote2
  • black black

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • trigger trigger
  • safety safety
  • slide slide

Update history

Start Distribution: 220505 配布開始:220505

Content ID:1917325

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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伍長Pです。3DモデルのリクエストあればXにDMどうぞ。 頒布中の3Dモデルはクリスタでの使用しやすさを第一として、なるべく軽く製作しています。 I`m Gotyou-P. If you have a request, please DM to X. The 3D models being distributed are made to be as light as possible, with ease of use on CLIP STUDIO as the top priority.