I needed Hangul, but the random character paper brush on the asset was either alphabetic at first glance or too fantasy. If you look closely, the text may be read, which is ridiculous as Lorem's mouth. Don't read anything like this when you're bored.
disarranged papers. made with hangeul but it’s pixelized so i guess it can be suitable with random other languages/characters from earth or fantasy world
한글이 필요했는데 에셋에 올라와 있는 랜덤문자 종이브러쉬는 딱봐도 알파벳이거나 너무 판타지라 만들었습니다. 자세히 보면 본문이 읽힐 수도 있는데 로렘입숨이라 말도안되는소리입니다. 심심할 때도 이런 건 읽지 마세요.
disarranged papers. made with hangeul but it’s pixelized so i guess it can be suitable with random other languages/characters from earth or fantasy world
Adjusting the clairvoyance after use creates a sense of space. The world is so good...
사용 후 투시를 조절하면 공간감이 생깁니다. 세상 참 좋다…