Hakushi-chan Brush (hakushiうさちゃんブラシ) hakushiうさちゃんブラシ

Content ID:1910168

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I wanted a brush that can be used as a touch to create a texture and an atmosphere, and to paint.

It is easy to draw from a dark color to a light color, and it can do from a fluffy fill to a clear coating.
I'm good at mixing colors because it extends.

If you want to use it as a texture, you can feel good when you push it with a overlay and then overlap 💡

I can draw acrylic gouache by taking advantage of the roughness of the tip material, even watercolor with tints and border of watercolor... I think!





Content ID:1910168

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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DL、ギフトありがとうございます☺感謝です! 描いて楽しいブラシを目指してつくったりしてます…☺