Sitting for one month, floating pose collection-32 species ~ (1ヶ月分座り・浮遊ポーズ集〜32種〜) 1ヶ月分座り・浮遊ポーズ集〜32種〜
Content ID:1909196
Do you have a problem to produce a stylish and shining illustration?
This material collection is a stylish pose collection that was created on the theme [sit] [floating]
Therefore, I was sticking to a pose to shine as a single illustration
In addition, NFT Art, Instagram, Twitter, such as Pixiv
It is also a collection of posing materials made for posting art and illustrations on a regular basis
Sit 座る
Down 見下し
Stretch 背伸び
Foot Attraction 足引き寄せ
Triangle Gazing 三角みつめ
Thinking of raising a foot 足上げ思考中
Kneeling 膝立ち
Fashion ファッション
Tilt あおり
Sitting triangle Emo 三角エモ座り
Relaxing thinking リラックスシンキング
Sleeve shot Wind ジャケ写風
Crouching しゃがみ
Narrow 狭い
Relax くつろぐ
Pulling One leg 片足引き寄せ
Casual カジュアル
Noisily from the top 上からバタバタ
Think seriously 真剣に考える
Warped sitting 反った正座
Ha frankly はっちゃけ
Grace 恵み
Practice 修行
despot 暴君
Feet noisily 足バタバタ
Leaning on it もたれかかる
Think seriously 真剣に考える
Awnings 日除け
Be aware of the distant 遠くを意識する
Zue Cheek Sitting 頬づえ座り
Fire in the palm of your hand 手のひらの炎
Sit noisily バタバタ座り
Puffy pose ぷっくりポーズ