Javelin missile (Javelin missile) Javelin missile

Content ID:1907634

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  • 150 GOLD
  • 3,000 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Javelin missile
Javelin Missile
Javelin missile

It becomes a 3D model with a texture.
Almost scale.
Since it has become movable and layer separation, it is possible to hide or move each part of the movable.

Javelin Missile (FLY)
It will be a 3D model with texture.
It is almost the actual size.
Since It is layered and mobilized, it is possible to hide or move each movable part.


Javelin missile (FLY)
It will be a 3D model with texture.
It is almost the actual size.
Since it is layered and mobilized, it is possible to hide or move each movable part.

Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

Start Distribution: 220324 配布開始:220324

Content ID:1907634

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

伍長P's profile Go to profile

伍長Pです。3DモデルのリクエストあればXにDMどうぞ。 頒布中の3Dモデルはクリスタでの使用しやすさを第一として、なるべく軽く製作しています。 I`m Gotyou-P. If you have a request, please DM to X. The 3D models being distributed are made to be as light as possible, with ease of use on CLIP STUDIO as the top priority.