Head shot (Male/Female) (Head shot (Male/Female)) Head shot (Male/Female)

Content ID:1899613

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Here you can use this asset as a reference or you can straight start to draw with it. It's saved as an image, but you can color it like you would with normal lineart. Here you can use this asset as a reference or you can straight start to draw with it. It's saved as an image, but you can color it like you would with normal lineart.

This asset is for saving time to avoid drawing the shape of a head yourself. It's saved as an image but you can work with it like you do with normal lineart and color it underneath. You can change the shape and face expression later on.

This asset is for saving time to avoid drawing the shape of a head yourself. It's saved as an image but you can work with it like you do with normal lineart and color it underneath. You can change the shape and face expression later on.

Content ID:1899613

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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