Super Cotton Candy (슈퍼솜사탕붓) 슈퍼솜사탕붓

Content ID:1894755

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A brush setting that you use when coloring.

If the pressure of the fill is weak, mix gently with the underside, press firmly to gradually create a brush color~
I usually use the first when I put a small, dark contrast and the second is when I press the wide side lightly or blur the boundary^_^ ... !

coloring brush

채색할 때 쓰는 브러시 설정입니다.

필압이 약하면 밑색과 부드럽게 섞이고 꾹 누르면 점차 브러시 색이 나오는 구조예요~
보통 1번은 작고 진한 명암 깔 때 쓰고 2번은 넓은 면을 가볍게 눌러주거나 경계를 흐릴 때 씁니다 ^_^ ... !

coloring brush

Super Cotton Candy 슈퍼솜사탕붓

Content ID:1894755

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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