Woolly brush (もやもやブラシ) もやもやブラシ

Content ID:1894636

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It is a Moyamoya sketch brush.
Because I made it from sketch brush that I made myself once, the compatibility with that brush is good.
The nuance of the balloon and atmosphere.
I made it with two-valued resolution 600DPI, but the rough of the sketch might stand out when too much brush size was large.
2値済 解像度600dpiでつくりましたが、あまりブラシサイズが大きすぎると点描の荒が目立つかもしれません

It is a Moyamoya sketch brush.
Because I made a Moyamoya from sketch brush that I made myself once,
The brush of that is good compatibility.
(Sketch material collection contents ID: 1699748 sketch Rough eye Brush)

In the nuance of a balloon and a disturbing atmosphere.
I made it with two-valued resolution 600DPI, but the rough of the sketch might stand out when too much brush size was large.

(点描ブラシ素材集   コンテンツID:1699748 点描荒目ブラシ)

2値済 解像度600dpiでつくりましたが、あまりブラシサイズが大きすぎると点描の荒が目立つかもしれません

Content ID:1894636

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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