Jaggies reduction (ジャギー軽減) ジャギー軽減

Content ID:1894555

  • 219
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a auto action to reduce the jagged roughness (jaggies) that occurs when the line drawing of the monochrome layer is enlarged. モノクロレイヤーの線画を拡大した時などに発生する、ギザギザした荒れ(ジャギー)を軽減するオートアクションです。

Usage >
Perform the basic adjustment action on the monochrome layer.
The end-to-duplicate action is processed into the duplicated layer, and the action of ' ' direct ' ' directly processes the line-of-art layer being edited.

The example is three times larger than the line drawing, but a step of up to three pixels has occurred.
The step has been eased after the action is performed.

Such as after the deformed by enlarging the person drew small, and repeated deformation by adjustment of the composition,
Please try it when the line drawing is rough and the adapt is not able to be corrected.
It may also be available when you want to narrow the line of scale.

In addition to the main ' basic adjustment ' action, there are two actions in a subdivision of the internal command.

The "dither add" is used to break the rough line of line drawings, and then give the lines a fine noise generated by the "real G-pen" tool.
It is the direction of line drawing drawn with analog pen tool.

Smooth subdivision is slightly thinner while breaking the rough of the line drawing.
The Nuki is sharp and the Daiaji impression is eased, and it becomes easy to become familiar with the additions.

Supplement >
There is the case that a thin place may be faint or be interrupted.







Content ID:1894555

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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使いやすく綺麗な線画の出る3D素材づくりを心掛けています。 ちょっと便利なアクションも公開中。