Jewel-like prism set renewal (宝石風プリズムセット renewal) 宝石風プリズムセット renewal

Content ID:1894389

  • 3,595

It is a set of the brush material with the motif of the jewel.
You can use it in a sense of a stamp and a stick.

It is recommended when you want to add the sparkling of the light and the feeling of air to the illustration ◎
Please use it in combination with the layer mode such as [addition light-emitting] and [screen] when processing, gaussian blur in preference.
(※ All sample images were created using a brush material on the [screen] layer)



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

■ Material Renewal (2022.01.24) Change the name of the material collection [Jewel Prism set] → [Jewel wind prism set] -Brush material renewal, part delete material ■素材をリニューアル(2022.01.24)

Old version

Content ID:1894389

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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