Automatic Meek Terumitsu (自動柔和輝光) 自動柔和輝光

Content ID:1890057

  • 304
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The automatic motion of adding a soft glow to the picture 為畫面添加一層柔和的光暈的自動動作

1. The use of this automatic action requires that the picture itself has a clear light and shadow
2. Please adjust the illumination range according to the specific picture in the window that pops up
3. The layers to be merged can glow. If you need the character to glow, you will merge the character to perform the automatic action at the character layer, and if you need the overall glow, you will all merge and execute it
4. After execution, please adjust the color, transparency and blending mode according to your specific needs

An example of the following figure is the effect of replicating another layer after processing.


Content ID:1890057

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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