For the boundary coloring thickness with a single shot (一発で境界色付け厚塗り用) 一発で境界色付け厚塗り用
Content ID:1882645
Just press to color the light and dark border. The final result is layer sharing, so you can adjust the layer mode, color and strength freely. The default result is overlay orange.
Although it is for thick coating, clothes, hair and skin were divided three layers as the GIF above. When painting with full thickness, use the selection tool to copy and play the area you want to strengthen.
Brightness and contrast adjustment window comes out of the same way as the GIF. The end is color the border of the black and white image that is displayed now, so please adjust freely according to your needs.
Please use the material of id = 1882590 Person of flat coating.
Effects in conjunction with other auto action materials: