Ice WIND_oil painting Icy Wind (ICE WIND_oil painting 氷の風) ICE WIND_oil painting 氷の風

Content ID:1871710

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This is an ice wind brush.
I painted it with thick paint.
Please paint on a color layer.
After you draw it, you can add your favorite filter effects to make it look even cooler.
This is an ice wind brush.
I drew it with thick paint.
It is a wind effect brush that can be used for Sochagairast.
Add any filter effect after drawing
I think better.

Please draw on the color layer.
This is an ice wind brush.
I painted it with thick paint.
Please paint on a color layer.
After you draw it, you can add your favorite filter effects to make it look even cooler.


Content ID:1871710

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

素材をどうぞ's profile Go to profile

「I want to create a wide variety of materials that can be used in various battle-themed works.」