Main color and sub color are three types of marbles that are reflected in the drawing. メインカラーとサブカラーが描画に反映されるビー玉のブラシ3種です。

Marbles 1 is the whole glass ball, and the Marbles 2 and marbles are drawn in the color specified by the inside color glass.
Please note that the "Marbles 1" will be unnatural if you set the sub color to a darker or darker color than main color.
If you draw with sub color, the main color will not be reflected and will only sub color color.
Since the brush tip orientation is set to "direction of line", the angle of the marbles should be adjusted in the direction that the lines are drawn.

I think that the "Marbles 1" can also be used for drawing accessories such as glass beads by setting the brush size to a small.
Please try various.



Category 1 カテゴリ1