Texture of bread (食パンのテクスチャ) 食パンのテクスチャ

Content ID:1868373

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It is very delicious when I put butter on bread and bake it and Nutella to buy it at Costco repeatedly. It might be somewhat fattening. 食パンの上にバターを塗ってから焼いて、コストコで買えるヌテラを重ねて塗ると、すごく美味しいです。多少太るかもしれないですけど。

It is the texture of the surface of the bread like this.
Since the original is thin, I think that the transparency is good about 100% to 80%.
Other than bread, the eyes may be used for a little sponge or a slightly rough wallpaper.

Thank you for 100DL, but I'm late.
(🍞 ˙-˙) = 🍞 pan Punch

(🍞˙-˙ )=🍞パンパンチ

Content ID:1868373

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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