Animate you fool!-tool pack

Content ID:1865173

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

IF you dont mind not being able to edit your lineart its perfect for you (as a frame by frame animation) something that allowed me to color/fill on the same layer. the only one downside and that it's just simply not a vector layer, which is standard for animation programs.

tweaked brushes and got something to color/fill with on the same layer! good for doodles. the only downside is that its not a vector layer which is standard for animation programs. the fool pen has no anti aliasing- which makes it a bit crunchy but cleaner and easier to fill.
the lasso tools make it easy to do quick color changes for markings/details.
the bucket tools are bucket tools. CRUNCH TIME

Category 1

Update history

the pens should be more easier to use.(changed pressure sensitivity)

Content ID:1865173

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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it me aki