Rattle Brush & Tone Set (ガラガラブラシ&トーンセット) ガラガラブラシ&トーンセット

Content ID:1840765

  • 281

It is a pen and the tone that I imagined rattle & tattered. ガラガラ&ボロボロとイメージしたペンとトーンです。

It is a brush and tone of the image to rattle and crumble.
Sound effect and background.

The brush does not have a black border.

The edge in the layer property according to the application
Change the paper magnification from the brush's properties.

I think that the impression also changes considerably in thickness of edges.

If you increase the paper rate, you can make a pretty tattered expression.

It will be like this if you draw normally without applying a border in the layer property settings ↓

In the future, there may be additions, corrections, or price changes.








Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1840765

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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仕事したり、絵日記描いたり、猫と遊んだりしています。 過去の無料素材の一部は現在整理中。加筆修正したい…! ※素材作成リクエストは受け付けていません。

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