Rope - shaded

Content ID:1824110

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Four Brush Tips for drawing rope with grey shading.

This doesn't work so well with my mouse - distortion occurs on the bends. But it's really good with my graphics tablet & pen.

4 different 'wavelengths' of rope. The shortest (25%) is probably a better match for corrugated hose (like on vacuum cleaners or space suits) than most types of rope. I've also used it as electrical coils for a mad-science lab background.
Using the brush-tip source materials as tiles in horizontal-only mode gives a nice long straight rope which can be adjusted to fit into the overall composition using mesh transform.

Thanks to HeroDraw for the tutorial which showed me how to make a brush, and to the software elves who wrote the CSP code that allows us to do this kind of thing.

Created Decoration Brush

Content ID:1824110

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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