It is a set of three patterns image material I drew a pattern of arabesque style
B4 making material previously raised was too large, so we rebuilt
I'm sorry if you downloaded it.
I made it easy to handle each ⁂, so I'm happy if you download it again.
* Please drop the canvas center from the item bank
The expansion and rotation can be done as it is.
Perspective free transform Select from the {edit} > variants category
* You can also use the "layer property" function to close your favorite image and process it.
Reflects the main color sub color of the layer tonal correction
Border effect extract line toning (recommended for concentration control)
Please enjoy drawing by devising each processing.
各加工を工夫して作画をお楽しみください ^^
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Golden Line Drawing 金色線画
gray image グレースケール画像
Update history
2021/02/26 the contents were re-raised.
2021/05/18 the title material tag has been added. The contents of the material are unchanged.
2021/02/26 内容を改めて上げなおしました
2021/05/18 お題素材タグを追加いたしました。素材内容は変更ありません