Gradeset for character graffiti (キャラ落書き用グラデセット) キャラ落書き用グラデセット

Content ID:1818616

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The color of the energy is not easy to paint it, but it is samune, and it is. 色塗る気力はねぇけど楽してサムネ映えさせてぇ~~~~って時にどうぞ

I want to use the gradient map to raise pictures of characters and other people to SNS, but it is a sense that the skin is cool color and that it is not enough to be gradation, and the skin + hue difference is large Gradeset.


Content ID:1818616

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

ななじゅう's profile Go to profile

自分用に作った素材をたまにおすそわけする妖怪。 公開から一定期間で有償素材になることがあります。