You can make a simple city by lining up the same series.
As an aid of drawing, I think if you can use it, such as to retouch in the window and the sign part.
* The following LT conversion is output to the manuscript paper for B5 magazine.
▼ I put a color to be easy to see at the setting.
Material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Configuration 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
Update history
Integrated the 2021/01/24 object into one, and corrected the depth. I changed to be able to watch separately the upper floor and the first floor. 2021/01/24 オブジェクトを一つに統合し、奥行きなどを修正。1階と上層階を分けて注視出来るように変更。
Old version