Brick Brush Set (レンガブラシセット) レンガブラシセット

Content ID:1793198

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a brick brush for graffiti produced with a straight line and a shape tool. If you don't mind, please. 直線と図形ツールで制作した落書き用レンガブラシです。よろしければ、どうぞ。

A simple brick brush with bricks in different colors.

You can use it to make it a ribbon, to spraying effect, and to change the setting according to the application. Please come and try.

The main color and sub color will be reflected.

Example of use. The one that the base was drawn and the foot was made from the round brick. (If you want to make the line thicker, adjust the border effect.) )

Please to graffiti and drafts!





Brick Brushes レンガブラシ

Content ID:1793198

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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筆圧弱めな自分用に作った中で特に気に入った物を公開しています。 ダウンロード、いいね、ギフト本当にありがとうございます。