3D layer T-shirt material collection (female long sleeves) 2 ver1.16 (3Dレイヤー Tシャツ素材集(女性長袖)2 ver1.16) 3Dレイヤー Tシャツ素材集(女性長袖)2 ver1.16
Content ID:1792720
Women's long sleeve T-shirt, it is a set of 10 points various poses.
Please to the reference and Torres when I draw a picture.
Because it is a 3D layer material, I can observe it from every angle.
In the initial state...
Texture is turned on. If you do not want to use the grid,
Please uncheck tool property → sub tool detail environment → rendering settings use texture.
-Lining is displayed black. If you want to whiten,
Please uncheck tool property → sub tool detail environment → rendering settings backface.
※ Please note ※
This material is different from the normal 3D material, and it cannot be pasted on the same layer in the layer material.
ツールプロパティ→サブツール詳細 環境→レンダリング設定 テクスチャを使用する のチェックを外して下さい。
ツールプロパティ→サブツール詳細 環境→レンダリング設定 バックフェースカリング のチェックを外して下さい。
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Hug (3D layer) 抱きしめる(3Dレイヤー)
Behind (3D layer) 後ろ手(3Dレイヤー)
Crawling like a 3D layer クロールのような(3Dレイヤー)
Run (3D layer) 走る(3Dレイヤー)
I admire the distance (3D layer) 遠くを眺める(3Dレイヤー)
Reach for the ground (3D layer) 地に手をつく(3Dレイヤー)
Stand on your own (3D layer) 逆立ち(3Dレイヤー)
Lateral stretching (3D layer) 横屈伸(3Dレイヤー)
Pulling the collar forward (3D layer) 襟を前に引っ張る(3Dレイヤー)
Pull hem forward (3D layer) 裾を前に引っ張る(3Dレイヤー)
Hug (3D Object) t2ver1.16 抱きしめる(3Dオブジェクト)t2ver1.16
Behind (3D Object) t2ver1.16 後ろ手(3Dオブジェクト)t2ver1.16
(3D Object) t2ver1.16 like crawling クロールのような(3Dオブジェクト)t2ver1.16
Run (3D Object) t2ver1.16 走る(3Dオブジェクト)t2ver1.16
View (3D Object) t2ver1.16 眺める(3Dオブジェクト)t2ver1.16
Update history
2020/09/28 ver1.1
2020/10/01 ver1.15
In ver1.1, I mistakenly published the treatment of the 3D Object. I'm sorry.
As an apology, I added two points 3D layer material.
I wanted to put all the 3D Object, but there is a limit of five points in a material.
I think if I can put out a collection of 3D Object as another material while updating this 3D layer.
2020/10/12 ver.1.16
Fixed the layout of the 3D Object had not been set.
2020/09/28 ver1.1
2020/10/01 ver1.15
2020/10/12 ver.1.16
Old version