prism effect (prism effect) prism effect

Content ID:1790610

  • 1,997

It is three sets of brushes for finishing the color illustrations. カラーイラストの仕上げ用ブラシ3種セットです。

> Prism effect _1

Edgy prism brush.

I think that it is easy to use it 線の方向 " when snap to ruler concentric circles because the direction of the brush is " direction of line".

It is a specification that the edge part becomes outside when I draw it counterclockwise.

The easiest way to use selection tool to rotate ( move ) is to place the stamp appropriately .

If you want to use a larger brush size, gaussian blur will look great.

The layer mode is recommended for addition ( luminescence ) and Dodge ( luminescence ) . Adjust the opacity of the layer if you do not want the screen to adapt.

> Prism effect _2

Oval Prism Brush.

This is random to some extent direction of particle. It is supported by pressure.

発光 The layer mode is recommended for addition and Dodge ( luminescence) 発光 as well as above .

Please accent the screen.

> Prism Line

It is the brush that I use for the part of the pupil mainly.

Draw to highlight part I think that I can easily shine atmosphere when I adjust the opacity by changing the layer mode by the cutting of the layers by the transparent airbrush etc . ( luminescence ) .

All 350dpi are created in 350dpi. If you want to change the color because the brush is a fixed color, please use tonal correction layer, etc.

















Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1790610

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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