Real Acrylic Paint on Canvas

Content ID:1789586

Made by me, using acrylic paint, poured on canvas. Texture of canvas is more obvious in some spots. I tried to touch up any bubbles and adjusted the color the best I could.

As these are real paintings, flaws will of course be more clear as you zoom in so I suggest not zooming in too much. Images were also effected by the lighting when taking the pictures, so some parts look brighter than others but, again, I tried to fix that.

Use for whatever you like, backgrounds, shirt patters, textures, effects, etc.

Might update later with a Green & Gold painting, if possible.

Category 1

Content ID:1789586

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

R.A.Carter's profile Go to profile

Just someone who makes comics. Main comic is "Witches of the Evening", be sure to check it out!