The object position of 3D of the driver and passenger seat in the car that was released last time was greatly changed.
I think that it is easy to move because the polygon number also reduced considerably.
Material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Configuration. 配置
default layout with frame 初期レイアウト(フレームあり)
Passenger seat only (no frame) 助手席のみ(フレーム無し)
Passenger seat only (with frame) 助手席のみ(フレームあり)
Driver's seat only (no frame) 運転席のみ(フレーム無し)
Driver's seat only (with frame) 運転席のみ(フレームあり)
Default layout (no frame) 初期レイアウト(フレーム無し)
Default layout (seat only) 初期レイアウト(座席のみ)
pose parts 可動パーツ
Driver's seat operation 運転席稼働
Passenger seat operation 助手席稼働
Update history
2019-04-10 version1.00 Published
2020-07-16 version1.30 (operation + display + number of polygons decreased)
2019-04-10 version1.00公開
2020-07-16 version1.30公開(稼働+表示+ポリゴン数減)
Old version