3D Automatic rifle C (3D自動小銃C) 3D自動小銃C

Content ID:1776592

  • 623
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Automatic rifle is a 3D model.
Can be drawn in a free angle or size.

(1) Outline

Automatic rifle is a 3D model.
It is a slightly outdated automatic rifle made in Korea which was designed in the 1980s. Also enclosed is a modern renovation variation.

Because of the 3D model, it can be drawn in a free angle and size, and the extract line makes line drawings as shown in the figure below.
Parts can be movable and decomposed, it is possible to retreat the bolt or to take off the magazine, to reproduce some degree of action.
You can split the receiver up and down like a real gun, you can also reproduce the scene, such as decomposition maintenance. However, since it is not built up inside the gun, in a scene such as the internal structure is exposed, it seems to need to draw separately.

(2) How to use

1. Paste the downloaded material on the campus.

2. Because it becomes a 3D model, I adjust it to the angle and the size of the favorite.

3. Use it as a draft, or use it as a line drawing in layer property extract line.

For more information on using extract line and 3D models, refer to the ClipStudioPaint documentation.

4. Can also be combined with 3D body.




1. ダウンロードした素材をキャンパスに貼り付けます。

2. 3Dモデルになっておりますので、お好みの角度や大きさに調整します。

3. そのまま下書きとして使用したり、「レイヤープロパティ」の「ライン抽出」で線画にして使用します。


4. 3D素体と組み合わせることもできます。

Korean Army 韓国軍

Assault rifle アサルトライフル


3D model 3Dモデル

Content ID:1776592

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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