The Master's Coffee (マスターのこだわりの珈琲) マスターのこだわりの珈琲

Content ID:1768691

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It is a picture of coffee, coffee bowl, saucer, spoon. 珈琲と珈琲椀と受け皿、スプーンの画像です。

I was allowed to prepare a ' coffee of master sticking. '
(A little thinner purple in the cup of white porcelain, the shadow was used in a purple system is a shade that is easy to use because many people.
I put a logo and a character and a picture (flower and character also good) etc. in a coffee cup by all means,
Please give it originality, steam and enjoy ^ ^
Come to think of it, it may be good to put a small bird (sugar in the shape) on the edge.
Recent sugar, pretty and amazing.

There is also "fruit sandwich of the longing" sold separately.
We will also provide you with a set of "great fruit sandwiches and coffee" for sale (1 discount)

Sample: I put the material on the color which I painted suitably. (It might be better to put it on the real background. (; ^_^ A)

The material, like that can also be used in the real scene of the anime style, it is finished in a clear feeling.
But, when you draw a sense of hand, you can also like this.

Sample: an artistic atmosphere!

Enjoy creating wonderful works ^ ^






Update history

Content ID:1768691

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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