Pen Li Pen (졔리펜) 졔리펜

Content ID:1768032

  • 48,067


It is a soft basic feeling brush which is good to use for a variety of purposes!
It is especially good for van mute and mute because it can be painted softly.
It's set up for me to feel comfortable, and it may feel different depending on the pressure.


다용도로 쓰기 괜찮은 소프트한 기본느낌 브러쉬입니다!
특히 부드럽게 채색을 할 수 있어서 반무테,무테에 쓰기좋습니다.
제가 편하게 쓰기위해서 설정한거라 필압에 따라 다른 느낌일수도 있습니다.

Content ID:1768032

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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