105 dia Marker (105ダイヤマーカー) 105ダイヤマーカー

Content ID:1766794

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It is not a diamond but a diamond diamond shape of the playing card.

Resolution 350 color Illustration premise.
Rough drawings and sketches, analog-like and pop-painted, etc.

If you fiddle the thickness of the brush setting, the diamond fineness will change.


ブラシ設定の [厚さ] をいじればひし形の細さが変わります。

※ The name of the head of the material name is 105 (and when). Just to make sure it doesn't get confusing.

I drew all the sample pictures with this diamond marker.

The brush setting [border of watercolor] also makes the atmosphere like a pallet knife. Right

When I take a shape in a sketch, it is easy to draw when I uncheck [mix ground color] of the brush setting.

For those who want to paint roughly anyway.


ブラシ設定の [水彩境界] をありにするとパレットナイフのような雰囲気にもなります。(右下)

下絵で形を取るときはブラシ設定の [下地混色] のチェックを外すと描きやすいです。


Content ID:1766794

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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