Basic Brushes MirjaHCreative (12 pcs)

Content ID:1765105

  • 1,082

I made these brushes to use in lining and inking or coloring, even with no anti-aliasing.
I drew the sample images using one brush each, in different sizes (80, 10, and 0.5), on a canvas size 1000x1000px at 300 dpi.

Collection of brushes I made for my own use. I hope you find them useful, too. I made them using my own drawings and textures.

Swirly Flat Marker

Flat Marker


Pen Round

Pen Shooting Star

Pen Slim

Wrinkled Brush Long Tip - Pressure

Wrinkled Brush Long Tip

Wrinkled Brush Square Pressure

Wrinkled Cross Hatching

Wrinkled Marker

Wrinkled Mix Brush



Cross hatching

Wrinkled Cotton Brushes

Content ID:1765105

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

MirjaHCreative's profile Go to profile

A Finnish lady with a bad back and half-disability pension due to that. Age 40+. Hobbyist digital artist planning on an original comic/webtoon. Apparently I make Clip Studio Assets, too. Social media handle @MirjaHCreative