WAPIWAPI Mosaic Box (ワピワピ式モザイク入れ) ワピワピ式モザイク入れ

Content ID:1762338

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set auto action to simplify the mosaic put work. It is a type of mosaic where the block size is adjustable each time and blocks not cut in the lasso range. モザイク入れ作業を簡略化するオートアクションセットです。ブロックサイズが都度調整可能で、ブロックが投げ縄範囲で削られないタイプのモザイクです。

It is a set auto action to simplify the mosaic put work.

Block size can be adjusted each time.
Mosaic-related layers are organized into a single folder.
• The integration layer does not hide the pre-integration layer.
The mosaic is not cut into the shape of the lasso, the block appears neatly.

It is made up of two auto action.

First, perform mosaic preparation only once on the canvas where you want to put the mosaic. Then the "Mosaic" layer, integrated with the "Mosaic" folder, is generated in front of the top.

Select the area where you want to use the mosaic and then perform "Mosaic creation".

The Mosaic Filter dialog displays, adjust the block size and press OK.

You have created a "mosaic parts" layer in the "Mosaic" folder and you are done.

You can generate "mosaic parts" in multiple places by repeating the lasso selection and "Mosaic creation".

-If you want to start mosaic from scratch, remove the whole mosaic folder and irrevocably from the mosaic preparation run is OK.
Usually, white edges and translucent blocks appear in the characteristics of the Mosaic filter, but the action to remove them at the end of the "create Mosaic" is put. As a result, since the time of the preview is slightly smaller , I think the lasso to choose a larger feeling is good.









Content ID:1762338

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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