
Content ID:1752468

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A fun brush for Concept Art and Exploration that erase itself.

  Magic Glass   A Brush That Erase Itself

This was an exquisite method to came up with more original designs and concepts that I used to play with: draw with an old, almost dry marker over a piece of glass. It's a fun way to explore and let some chaotic results drive your art.

Today I was creating a custom brush and accidentaly forgot to remove the white background of the image used to create the brush tip - the result was a brush that erase itself! 

After some tweaks on the Density pressure curve I got the "creamy" feel of drawing with a marker over a piece of glass.

IMPORTANT: draw over a White background OR set your Layer to Multiply.

Have fun.

- dado

Content ID:1752468

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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