ドライマーカー Renewal 2.0

Content ID:1746145

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This brush set emulates a dry marker.
This is an update of the 「ドライマーカー Renewal」 since it was deleted. In this update, there is no longer any secondarily used materials.

DM ・Linework: This marker is used to make the line art.

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DM ・Outline: This marker outlines the line art.

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DM ・Shading: This marker is used for shading. You can increase the brush size so that the shading looks softer, or decrease the brush size so that the shading looks like a marker.

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DM ・Hatching 1: This marker is used for shading darker areas, or to add hatching. This marker can be used for line art as well.

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DM ・Hatching 2: This marker is used for shading darker areas, or to add hatching. This marker is on the Multiply Layer Mode, and has more texture than DM ・Hatching 1. This marker can be used for line art as well.

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♡ Have fun drawing! ♡

DM Renewal 2.0

Content ID:1746145

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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Hi! Check out my artwork on Instagram: @tojibonnn