Diagonal Brush Set Ver. 2 (乱斜線ブラシセット Ver.2) 乱斜線ブラシセット Ver.2

Content ID:1745140

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  • 100 CLIPPY

A brush that draws diagonal lines in a certain direction.

You can easily draw a diagonal line of the Zaku drawn by changing several lines of different lengths at a very random angle.


As you can see, the different angles of ABCD brushes are available.
Draw capture is the state of drawing on for commercial issue 600dpi black and white paper.

Large, medium, and small size feeling like this.

By the way, brushes are basically the only difference between the thickness and angle parameters.

It seems to be able to use it in various scenes such as diagonal gradation and tone scraping from the solid effect line of the background!

[Ver. 2]
I added a "free diagonal brush Free" which replaced the brush tip with a freehand drawn line.
The parameters are basically the same as the old ones.






Diagonal Brush A 乱斜線ブラシA

Diagonal Brush B 乱斜線ブラシB

Diagonal Brush C 乱斜線ブラシC

Diagonal Brush D 乱斜線ブラシD

Free A Diagonal Brush 乱斜線ブラシFree A

Diagonal Brush Free B 乱斜線ブラシFree B

Diagonal Brush Free C 乱斜線ブラシFree C

Diagonal Brush Free D 乱斜線ブラシFree D

Update history

"Free Diagonal brush Free" was added by freehand drawing of brush tip line. ブラシ先端の線をフリーハンドで描いた「乱斜線ブラシFree」を追加しました。

Content ID:1745140

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

ねぐら☆なお/有楽舎工房's profile Go to profile

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