Snake (3D) (ヘビ(3D)) ヘビ(3D)

Content ID:1742439

  • 1,685
  • 250 GOLD
  • 2,500 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a snake of the poison feeling.
The body is a simple cylinder, but it is also recommended to take around the scales.

■ Content Description
It is a 3D material. You can share your camera with other 3D materials.

You can open and close the mouth. However, it is necessary to fangs when closing.
Fangs is defeated on the inside by rotation.
The tongue is not made because the shape was difficult.
I think it is quicker to draw....

■ Bourne
Bone is like this.
A bone is included to open the jaw and to be able to store fangs, too.
* The pose which coiled is not able to be in the convenience of the number of bones and the polygon division. My body is squashed.
I made it in the number of bones to make it kunekune suitably because the control becomes serious when the bone is increased as much as possible.

■ Material
-Black-and-white: the scales and details were put in line drawings
Color (green): Color-coated
-Color (Brown): Color-Painted variations
Solid: only the shape.

■ Pose
I set the basic pose in the pose parts because it is hard pose with a lot of bones.




 ・白黒: ウロコやディティールを線画で入れたもの
 ・カラー(緑): 色を塗ったもの
 ・カラー(茶): 色を塗ったもの バリエーション
 ・無地: 形状のみのもの。


Material マテリアル

  • White 白黒
  • Color (green) カラー(緑)
  • Color (Brown) カラー(茶)
  • No land. 無地

Configuration. 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Moveable. 可動

Update history

2019.06.22 [Updated] GOLD was set. 2019.06.22 【更新】GOLDを設定しました。

Content ID:1742439

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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3D素材中心に作成をはじめました。  「作るのが楽しそう」  「こんな素材があったら面白そう」  「こんな素材が使われてる漫画を読みたい」 そんな思想で題材を選んでます。なのでニッチなものになりがち。 あと、少しはリクエスト受けて作ったり。。。一応Twitterはやっています