Everything is a dream ★ (なんでもゆめかわ★) なんでもゆめかわ★

Content ID:1740184

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set gradient map that anything is cute dream.

Rather than fancy and clean, rather than the avant-garde color use.

Because there are a large number of colors, grainy and colors may also mingle in fine places such as the anti-aliasing of line drawings.
I think that the person who is anxious will put the gradient map in a large image, and reduce it when I consolidate it and shrink it.
The person who thinks that it is good rather remains as it is ★



It may be confusing, but there are two places where the border is clear.
★ Left = Dark areas such as line drawings or falling shadows
The center of the ★ is bright skin
If you put some sharp and tweak the parameters to the criteria above, I think cute.

It is kawaii even if I put a different gradient map for each part.



Old version

Content ID:1740184

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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