Music Brush Set Ver2 (おんがくブラシセットVer2) おんがくブラシセットVer2

Content ID:1734956

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It is a set of music and keyboard. 楽譜と鍵盤のブラシセットです。

It is a set of music and keyboard.
Because the Jagi is noticeable in the scale when I draw a curve, it might be better to shrink it at the end.
(Sample images are reduced to 50% after drawing in 100px)

Music 楽譜

Keyboard. 鍵盤

Update history

19/02/04 -The white part of the "keyboard" brush is replaced with a complete white one (same as the old "keyboard _W") -Add each brush that separates the notes of the sheet music brush and the staves notation. Organize categories 16/12/19 -The white part of the "keyboard" has not become a perfect white fixed. 19/02/04


Old version

Content ID:1734956

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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