Pokari Ch'aquishy Aberration Effect (뽀카리 색수차 효과) 뽀카리 색수차 효과

Content ID:1733819

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is an auto-action that helps set up the 'chrochaned aberration' effect of the phenomenon that separates the RGB, also known as the 'cellophane' effect, so that only the desired part can be added. '셀로판' 효과라고도 하는 RGB가 분리되는 현상의 '색수차' 효과를 원하는 부분에만 넣을 수 있도록 세팅을 도와주는 오토액션 입니다.

Below are how to use it.

It's an auto-action i've made to be comfortable, but if I register it as a public material, I'll upload it because I think it's easy for others to use.

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Content ID:1733819

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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