3D residential Area
With Ver.1.6.0 ~ Update, 3D file has been changed specification, it will be in the new format of the exhibition.
"Residential (Building House) EX1.2.8" (Content ID: 1484413) will be updated, the previous model is not able to replace the exhibition with CLIP STUDIO listing for the current assets.
As the previous model is left, a new model for 1.6.0 will be exhibited.
Please note the overlap because the overall shape is not almost the same as it does a minor change.
In the .cs3o file stage, 1.36 MB.
3D 住宅街
「住宅街(建物 家)EX1.2.8可」(コンテンツID:1484413)のアップデートとなりますが、前モデルは現アセッツからの出品のためCLIP STUDIO出品との差し替えが行えません。
.cs3oファイルの段階で1.36 MBです。
Material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Night. 夜
No color 色なし
Configuration. 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
Face 向かい合わせ