Wood Set Vol. (木セット弐) 木セット弐

Content ID:1719742

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

We are always indebted.
This time I was updating the material addition, when uploading the material, I put the material before the correction by mistake. In addition, since the material after the modification has been added with the same name, it becomes difficult to understand.
It is not possible to update it immediately and it is unpublished state, and worry about people who are using it and Sercis Saport, and I am sorry for inconvenience.
I will publish the material collection of the modified version later.
Thank you in the future.
今回 素材追加の更新でしたが、素材をアップロードする際、間違えて修正前の素材を入れてしまいました。また、修正後の素材も同じ名前で追加してしまったため分かりづらくなってしまっています。

Thank you for your time.
Let's add the material to our daily thanks! I blundered thought that it is kuramoto.
There are two "for a distant perspective when you want to Cosot" among additional materials. ...
It is the data before one modification. The garbage pastes.... I'm sorry...
Later I will publish additional material and modified version of [tree set [two].
If you have time, please use it.

In the event that the material is DL, please send it to the Trash box promptly.

When I wanted to Cosot a character, I added the material usable in the foreground.
The leaf line when I want to Cosot is thin, and it puts it in a scene greatly
Also recommended for those who have a thin line!
The leaf of the camellia for the background is recommended for the background and the strong line.

This is the extra minute.
There are already a lot of wonderful tree-based materials,
I made it again, so please if it is good.
It becomes the material collection that the appearance when I looked up with a branch shelf is easy to draw.
There are three kinds of brushes to draw in the extras.
Please to the texture of the tree, the rock, and the soil.
日頃の感謝を込めて素材を追加しよう!と思ってや らかしましたkuramotoです。




branch shed. 枝棚

When I looked up 見上げた時など

Bonus おまけ

Leaf when you want to add material and Cosot 追加素材・コソッとしたい時の葉っぱ

Leaf of Camellia for additional material and background 追加素材・背景用椿の葉っぱ

Extra material and Cosot when you want it 追加素材・コソッとしたい時のおまけ

Update history

I will publish the material collection that I put the modified material later because garbage pastes in a part and some materials. The material was added in March 2022. 追記・一部素材にゴミがのりますので後ほど修正した素材を入れた素材集を改めて公開させていただきます。

Content ID:1719742

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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