Content ID:1715342

  • 43,832
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Dot-like pens! It's not a perfect dot, but it makes it look like a dot.

It is sold in force type. (KRW 1,500)
도트같은펜! 완벽히 도트는 아니지만 도트처럼 보이게 해 줍니다.

포스타입에서도 판매중입니다. (1,500원)


Giveaways 사은품

Update history

Even if i draw the line slowly, I changed the dot so that it does not break. I've uploaded some of the materials i've uploaded in the past, so i have to download four of the latest ones!!! I just did an update 선을 느리게 그어도 도트가 뭉개지지 않게 변경하였습니다 ㅎ.ㅎ
예전에 업로드한 소재는 옛날거랑 최신거 4개씩 다운받아야 해서!!! 그냥 업데이트를 했어요

Old version

Content ID:1715342

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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