Hatch Ballpoint Pen (ハッチボールペン) ハッチボールペン

Content ID:1701879

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It is a material drawn with a ballpoint pen.
It is a rough atmosphere and momentum is not hesitate to say that hatch style.

After I draw a picture, I use it to put on the texture from above.
Because it is monotonous if you just pom one kind, it is recommended to cut the appropriate transparent color.

There are three types of the guy along the direction of the pen to move vertically and horizontally, but I think that it is fun when I play a lot changing setting.





Brush ブラシ

Content ID:1701879

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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気が向いた時に素材投下してます。故郷はお絵かき掲示板。 素材は予告なく値上げすることがありますが、値下げはないです。(先に購入頂いた方に損をさせたくないため) 取得した素材はCLIP STUDIO ASSETS規約の範囲内で自由にご利用ください。 You can use my brushes without my permission if you follow CLIP STUDIO ASSETS Terms of Service.