Flower Decoration Style Ornament Set 2 (花形装飾風飾りセット2) 花形装飾風飾りセット2

Content ID:1700582

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It is the second set of the image material of the star decoration style. It is a set of all 15 kinds with the decoration frame three sets of the finished product which I made using it this time. 花形装飾風の画像素材のセット第2弾です。今回はそれを使って作った完成品の飾り枠3セットも付いて全15種類のセットです。

It is the second set of the image material of the decoration type style. It is a set of 15 kinds to suit three kinds of decoration frame that I made using them and 12 kinds image material The star decorative style.

I can use six kinds of thing to be usable in the corner of the frame, six kinds of thing that can be used in the center, and it is available when troublesome to make a frame with it further, there are three kinds of the ornament frame already made.

It is composed of two layers: main (black) and sub (white). (Because it is not seamless, change of size and orientation, please edit → deformation.

By all means if you want something ornament for a moment (^ ^

Example of Use Part 1

Example of Use Part 2







Border 飾り枠

Content ID:1700582

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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こんにちは(^^ ゆるめの素材をぼちぼちと。楽しく使っていただけたら幸いです(^^いいねやGIFTも嬉しいです!フォローも光栄です!ありがとうございます~!!

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